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Security Services Wing


  • To strengthen security forces personnel internally to enhance their efficiency and help them take quick and correct decisions in challenging situations;
  • To help security forces personnel cope with the stress caused by the hazardous nature of their work;
  • To raise the morale of security personnel by making them self-aware and fostering their innate spiritual qualities.

Views and Perspectives

The men in uniform are the backbone of our nation. They have been given multiple responsibilities, to safeguard the security of the people, industries and the vast borders of the nation from internal and external threats. The pages of history speak of their valour and achievements.
The current situation of the world as well as the nation is full of uncertainty and fear, both of which give rise to mental stress.
The global scenario is a cause for concern, with the threat of war hanging over many countries, and ethnic, religious, sectarian and political tensions simmering in others. On top of all this are nuclear, biological and chemical weapons casting an ominous shadow over humanity.
The country, meanwhile, faces major challenges in the form of terrorism, border incursions, riots and frequent natural disasters. These have adversely affected the country’s economy, administration and the law and order situation, adding to the responsibilities of the men in uniform and consequently putting a strain on their mental and physical health.
The Security Services Wing of Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation has been set up to strengthen the services personnel internally to enhance their efficiency was well as their capacity to cope with the stress arising from their hazardous work. This will help them maintain equanimity of mind so as to take quick and correct decisions during war and peace.

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